There are many different kinds of diets and theories available on the topic of how to loose weight. No wonder people get confused.
It is actually very simple to loose body weight. You don't need to starve yourself, but simply reduce the total amount of food that you consume. If you eat too much food, then the excess food will turn into fat deposits in your body. Layers of fat will be the result.
I have personally have applied to myself a sensible eating plan, and I can tell that it works. After I have implemented my eating plan, within 2 weeks I lost such a lot of weight around my waist, that people could notice the change in my body. That was not the only problem I encountered,
- my pants started feeling loose
- my belt was getting to big for me
- I felt more energised
- I felt lighter
- .......
So how did I get this result within 2 weeks?
Simply I ate 3 meals a day.
- Breakfast
- Lunch
- Dinner
- Drink water and juice
- Walked
The key was that I did not eat after 7PM in the evening. I did eat sometimes in between meals a yoghurt, vitamin c sweets etc.
I basically cut out on fries, chocolates, coffee etc.
I do however reward myself once a week with cake, burger, pasta etc.
I try to walk as much as possible when I'm at work or home. Walking up the stairs can also be a very good exercise.
I don't understand why people make things so complicated. Try this fad and that pill ... you simply just need to have a sensible eating plan, drink water and walk. I can bet you that you will see results just by implementing these simple principles.
I'm talking from experience. This simple steps can also help you to get a flat stomach or even sicx pack abs. You will jsut add some stomach exercises in the equation. Simple.
the realistic way of getting a flat tummy and six pack abs